
Huntsville Tractor-Trailer Accident Lawyer

If you have been hit by an 18-wheeler then you may be wondering whether you need to hire a tractor-trailer accident lawyer. You have probably never hired a personal injury lawyer before. But now, you need someone to help answer your questions.
Trucker accident attorney

Most of our clients have never hired a personal injury lawyer. But after a bad accident, you need someone to advocate for you and your family. Most of our clients are hard working folks from northern Alabama who just want their medical bills paid and their lost income paid back. If you have been in a big truck accident and you are like most of our clients, call us for a quick and free consultation.

Every car accident can cause serious injuries. But when the other vehicle weighs 80,000 pounds or more, injuries can be even more serious. That is why big truck drivers must drive with extra caution.

Trucking Accidents are Preventable

Semi-truck accidents can be devastating and can lead to serious injuries or even death. The sheer size and weight of a fully-loaded semi-truck can make it difficult for the driver to maneuver, and if the truck is traveling at high speed, it can cause significant damage to the other vehicles involved in the accident. The potential for semi-truck accidents is very real, despite the efforts of truck drivers and the trucking industry to reduce the risk of collisions. The sheer weight of a fully-loaded semi-truck — up to 80,000 pounds — can mean a lot of force when a collision happens, especially if the other vehicle is a smaller passenger vehicle.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has implemented various safety regulations to try and reduce the risk of semi-truck accidents. These regulations include driver hours of service, truck maintenance requirements, driver drug, and alcohol testing, and truck brakes and lighting standards. Unfortunately, with the sheer number of semi-trucks on the road — an estimated 140 billion miles are driven annually — accidents are inevitable. That’s why it is so important for drivers to be aware of their surroundings and drive defensively.

When an accident involving a semi-truck occurs, it can be devastating. The injuries sustained can be life-altering, and the emotional toll of such an event can be immense.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a semi-truck accident, it is important to seek legal counsel right away to protect your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. The lawyers at Garnett Patterson Injury Lawyers are ready to help you get the justice you deserve. Our experienced legal team is not afraid of a fight; having taken clients’ cases involving trucking accidents all the way to the United States Supreme Court. If you or someone you know has been involved in a truck driving accident, contact us today for a free case evaluation.

Trucking Accident Attorneys In Huntsville


The long hours behind the wheel, the monotony of the road, and the lack of rest can all contribute to a dangerous level of fatigue. According to FMCSA, 32% of truck accidents involve collisions outside of the travel lane, either in other lanes or off the road. This is often caused by drivers falling asleep or becoming drowsy while behind the wheel. It’s important for semi-truck drivers to recognize the signs of fatigue and take the necessary steps to fight it. Some of these steps include getting enough rest, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. Additionally, drivers should take regular breaks to stretch their legs and get some fresh air. Finally, semi-truck drivers should never be afraid to speak up if they feel too tired to drive. There are laws and regulations in place to protect drivers from being put in a dangerous situation, and no one should be afraid to take advantage of them. Tractor-trailer drivers play an essential role in the transportation industry, and it’s important for them to take the necessary precautions to stay safe and alert on the road. With the right measures in place, semi-truck drivers can stay safe and ensure the safety of those around them.

Trucking accident lawyer in Huntsville
Speeding trucker


When it comes to 18-wheelers, speeding is a serious issue and can be incredibly dangerous. Loaded tractor-trailers need up to 40% more space to stop than passenger vehicles, meaning the driver has less time to react to other drivers and road conditions. When a driver is speeding, it increases the risk of an accident. Semi-truck drivers should be aware of their speed and take extra precautions when driving around other vehicles. Additionally, truckers should be aware of speed limits and adhere to them while on the road.

Speeding is a major problem when it comes to semi-truck drivers and can have serious, and even fatal, consequences. It’s important for all drivers to be aware of their speed and the size of their vehicle and to take extra precautions when driving. By following these guidelines, semi-truck drivers can help ensure their safety as well as the safety of other drivers on the road.

Improperly Secured Cargo Load

Semi-trucks are responsible for transporting goods and materials to their destinations safely and on time. But, there are certain risks associated with driving a tractor trailer. Improperly secured cargo is one of those risks. When cargo is not secured properly, it can shift while the truck is in motion, resulting in an unstable load. This can cause the truck to become unbalanced and put the driver at risk of an accident. Additionally, improperly secured cargo can cause other vehicles to be at risk of crashing into the truck. To prevent accidents caused by improperly secured cargo, the FMCSA has implemented a number of regulations that require truck drivers to properly secure loads. These regulations require truck drivers to use safety chains, straps, nets, and other devices to make sure that cargo is secure before hitting the road. Additionally, truck drivers are required to inspect their cargo every time they stop for a break.

Even with these regulations in place, it is still possible for cargo to become loose or fall off of the truck. When this happens, it is important for truck drivers to take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. They should take extra care to inspect their loads and make sure all cargo is secured properly before continuing on their journey.

Driving Under the Influence

In 2018, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that 6% of large truck drivers involved in fatal crashes tested positive for at least one drug. This alarming statistic highlights the prevalence of substance abuse among semi-truck drivers, which can have devastating consequences. The risks of substance abuse among semi-truck drivers are particularly high due to the nature of the job. Drivers are often on long, monotonous drives that can become tedious and dull. This can lead to a desire to use stimulants or depressants to stay awake or feel more relaxed. Additionally, some drivers may be tempted to use substances to cope with the intense stress of the job. In addition, the long days and weeks away from one’s family and loved ones also take a strong emotional toll on one’s emotional health. Seeking help for these stressors is vital for the safety of truck drivers and everyone else on the road. Unfortunately, the risks of substance abuse among semi-truck drivers are often overlooked.

While there may be safety protocols in place, such as pre-employment drug testing, these measures are not always enough to prevent drivers from using drugs. In this industry there always seems to be more trucks than there are drivers. This is one of the reasons that some truck drivers who may have a history of substance abuse, slip through the cracks and are found behind the wheel.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents and fatalities, especially when it comes to semi-truck drivers. Studies show that an estimated 29% of truck crashes involve vehicle loss of control, followed by colliding with the rear end of another vehicle (22%). Due to the high risk of distracted driving, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) implemented a handheld cell phone ban on interstate highways for truck drivers in 2012. This law prohibits drivers from using their cell phones while operating a commercial motor vehicle. However, the FMCSA permits hands-free cell phone use, as long as it does not distract the driver from their primary task of driving safely. At the same time, truck drivers must be aware of their surroundings and watch for potential safety issues.

By following the FMCSA’s regulations, truck drivers can help to reduce the number of distracted driving accidents on the roads. A safe driving record can also help truck drivers to qualify for lower insurance rates, better job opportunities, and increased safety on the roads. Although many truck driving companies now have cameras in the cab of the trucks for liability purposes, cellphone use and distracted driving still remain a problem on the road for motorists.

Truck Maintenance

Tractor trailer drivers have an important job. In order to do this job safely and efficiently, drivers must be knowledgeable about truck maintenance and have the proper certifications. To become a semi-truck driver, you must have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). A CDL requires specialized training, and applicants must pass both a knowledge test and a skills test. Drivers must also be 21 years of age. Once a driver has obtained their CDL, they must stay up to date on truck maintenance. Semi-trucks require regular maintenance, including oil changes, tire rotations, and other tune-ups. Drivers must also be aware of any potential problems and ensure their rigs are safe. In addition, truck drivers must conduct daily pre-trip inspections.

This includes checking the engine, brakes, tires, and other crucial components of the truck. Any issues must be reported and fixed promptly. Semi-truck drivers are responsible for keeping their rigs safe and running efficiently. With the proper certifications and regular maintenance, they can ensure the safety of their cargo and those sharing the roads with them.

Trucking is an Essential Part of the U.S Economy

The trucking industry is a vital part of the U.S. economy. Truck drivers are responsible for delivering 71% of all freight in the country each year, making them an essential component in keeping the wheels of the American economy turning. The industry is also one of the largest employers in the U.S., with over 5% of full-time employees working in trucking. Truck drivers are responsible for more than just the transportation of goods. They play an essential role in keeping the country’s economy running. By providing reliable and efficient delivery of products, truck drivers help businesses to stay competitive and consumer goods to remain affordable. Without truck drivers, the availability of consumer goods would be severely reduced and prices would skyrocket.

In addition to their contribution to the economy, truck drivers also contribute to the safety and security of the country. Truck drivers are often the first responders to accidents and hazardous material spills, and they play an important role in keeping highways safe. The importance of truck drivers to the U.S. economy cannot be overstated. Without the hard work and dedication of truck drivers, the U.S. would be unable to function. Truck drivers are integral to keeping America’s economy strong and moving forward.

We are on your side

Talking to an experienced personal injury lawyer is always wise after a car accident. However, it is especially important after an 18-wheeler accident. When it comes to tractor-trailer accidents, time is of the essence. Many tractor-trailer companies have lawyers and investigators on call 24-7 to respond to bad accidents. They immediately start defending the case. If you are in a tractor trailer accident, you need counsel on your side. If you or someone you love has been in an 18-wheeler accident, do not hesitate to call Garnett Patterson Injury Lawyers at (256) 804-0853 for a free consultation.

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