5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident
You might think that since you have insurance, having a car accident in Huntsville can be handled on your own. However, there are multiple factors...
Post-Pandemic Roads
The Increase in Traffic Deaths Since COVID-19 The recent rise in dangerous driving is alarming. Road rage, alcohol use, and cell phone use while...
The Impact of Holiday Celebrations
The Impact of Holiday Celebrations on Drinking Habits As the holiday season continues, celebrations become more frequent, and drinking becomes more...
Severely Damaged Car After Accident
Were you in an accident where your car was severely damaged? Even if you weren’t hurt in a car accident, I bet your car was. After you repair your...
Cycling in Huntsville
Cycling in Huntsville: Safety Tips, Legal Rights, and Scenic Routes Did you know that bicycling is one of the most popular recreational activities...
Empowering the Community: Our support for Reagan’s Summer Adventure
Here at Garnett Patterson Personal Injury Lawyers LLC, we believe in more than just legal representation. We are proud to announce our latest...
Client Of The Month Ezekial “Zek” Parker
June Client Of the Month In life, we tend to remain occupied with our daily tasks and focused on achieving certain personal goals, forgetting the...
When it comes to dealing with the aftermath of a car accident in Northern Alabama, having a local hometown lawyer by your side can make all the...
Why Do Traumatic Brain Injuries in Alabama Demand Local Legal Expertise?
Accidents happen suddenly, forever altering lives in the blink of an eye. Among the most devastating outcomes are traumatic brain injuries (TBIs),...
How to Win Your Personal Injury Case: Essential Steps Explained
How to Win Your Personal Injury Case: Essential Steps Explained Getting compensation for your injuries after an accident can be tough. It involves a...
Why Choosing a Local Alabama Lawyer Matters for Your Personal Injury Claim
Why Choosing a Local Alabama Lawyer Matters for Your Personal Injury Claim If you've been injured in Alabama, finding the right lawyer to handle...
Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
Imagine the screeching sound of tires, the crunching of metal, and the jolt of impact that sends shockwaves through your body. A car accident can be...
Alabama Contaminated Water Lawsuit
Alabama Water Contamination Claims against 3M and Other Decatur Companies Have you or a loved one been affected by water contamination in northern...
Slow Moving Vehicles
Everyone in rural Alabama has cussed under their breath while stuck behind a tractor or other slow driving vehicle. In Alabama, agriculture is a...
Drivers License Emergency Contact
Life can come at us fast. No one can ever be fully prepared for when an accident happens. But if you are in a bad accident, you want the first...
Hundreds of Thousands of Truckers are Using Drugs
New Method for Drug Testing Truck Drivers: A Game-Changing Study Many folks are keenly aware of the disruptions in supply chains that have occurred...
How to Keep Teen Drivers Safe
How to Keep Teen Drivers Safe A question that every parent asks themselves and never quite completely answers is “How to keep their children safe...
Accidentes y Lesiones Invisibles
Accidentes y Lesiones Invisibles En Garnett Patterson abogados de lesiones entendemos que la curación después de un accidente puede venir en muchas...
How to Handle Low Ball Offers from an Insurance Company After a Car Accident
This is probably the first time you have been in a situation like this. Many accident victims are inclined to handle their claims themselves. That...
How to Handle Car Accident Claims Against Government Vehicles
If you are involved in any accident with a government worker, you must talk to a lawyer immediately. If you are injured in an accident with a police...
Five Facts About Teenage Drivers and Accidents
Startling Statistics: Teenage Drivers and the Risk of Accidents Over 200,000 teenagers are injured in car accidents every year. The risk of...
What is My Child’s Car Accident Case Worth?
Find Out Now: How Much Could Your Child's Car Accident Case Be Worth? If your child has been in a car accident, an insurance company will likely...
Can A Car Accident Cause PTSD?
Discover How Car Accidents Can Lead to Long-Term PTSD If you or a loved one were recently in a car accident, it is common to have anxiety while...
Five Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Child’s Car
Secure Your Child's Future - Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer for Their Car Accident Do I Need a Lawyer if My Child is Injured in a Car Accident? If...
Personal Injury Settlements for Children
Giving Children the Justice They Deserve - Personal Injury Settlements For Children A car accident is every parent’s worst fear. If you have...
How to Handle Low Ball Offers from an Insurance Company After a Car Accident
How to Handle Low Ball Offers from an Insurance Company After a Car Accident In Alabama, if you are the victim of a car accident, you are entitled...
What to do After an Accident with a Police Officer, Garbage Truck, Postal Worker, City Bus, or Any Other Government Workers
What to do After an Accident with a Police Officer, Garbage Truck, Postal Worker, City Bus, or Any Other Government Workers If you are involved in...
7 Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident – Don’t Panic!
7 Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident - Don't Panic! If you’ve been in a car accident in Huntsville, AL, there are several steps you need...
Did A Black Hawk Helicopter Crash in Huntsville, Alabama?
Did A Black Hawk Helicopter Crash in Huntsville, Alabama? On February 15, 2023, a Tennessee National Guard Black Hawk crashed near Huntsville,...
PFAS: Is The Tap Water Safe To Drink?
PFAS: Is the Tap Water Safe to Drink? Exposure to PFAS can occur more commonly for workers in manufacturing, service sectors, and the fire service...
Is My Decatur Water Safe To Drink
Is My Decatur Water Safe To Drink?With all the talk about Forever Chemicals and cancer-related water issues, our post discusses "Is my Decatur water...
Is My Decatur Water Safe To Drink
Is My Decatur Water Safe To Drink?With all the talk about Forever Chemicals and cancer-related water issues, our post discusses "Is my Decatur water...
PFAS: Is The Tap Water Safe To Drink?
PFAS: Is the Tap Water Safe to Drink? Exposure to PFAS can occur more commonly for workers in manufacturing, service sectors, and the fire service...
Did A Black Hawk Helicopter Crash in Huntsville, Alabama?
Did A Black Hawk Helicopter Crash in Huntsville, Alabama? On February 15, 2023, a Tennessee National Guard Black Hawk crashed near Huntsville,...
7 Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident – Don’t Panic!
7 Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident - Don't Panic! If you’ve been in a car accident in Huntsville, AL, there are several steps you need...
What to do After an Accident with a Police Officer, Garbage Truck, Postal Worker, City Bus, or Any Other Government Workers
What to do After an Accident with a Police Officer, Garbage Truck, Postal Worker, City Bus, or Any Other Government Workers If you are involved in...
How to Handle Low Ball Offers from an Insurance Company After a Car Accident
How to Handle Low Ball Offers from an Insurance Company After a Car Accident In Alabama, if you are the victim of a car accident, you are entitled...
Personal Injury Settlements for Children
Giving Children the Justice They Deserve - Personal Injury Settlements For Children A car accident is every parent’s worst fear. If you have...
Five Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Child’s Car
Secure Your Child's Future - Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer for Their Car Accident Do I Need a Lawyer if My Child is Injured in a Car Accident? If...
Can A Car Accident Cause PTSD?
Discover How Car Accidents Can Lead to Long-Term PTSD If you or a loved one were recently in a car accident, it is common to have anxiety while...
What is My Child’s Car Accident Case Worth?
Find Out Now: How Much Could Your Child's Car Accident Case Be Worth? If your child has been in a car accident, an insurance company will likely...
Five Facts About Teenage Drivers and Accidents
Startling Statistics: Teenage Drivers and the Risk of Accidents Over 200,000 teenagers are injured in car accidents every year. The risk of...
How to Handle Car Accident Claims Against Government Vehicles
If you are involved in any accident with a government worker, you must talk to a lawyer immediately. If you are injured in an accident with a police...
How to Handle Low Ball Offers from an Insurance Company After a Car Accident
This is probably the first time you have been in a situation like this. Many accident victims are inclined to handle their claims themselves. That...
Accidentes y Lesiones Invisibles
Accidentes y Lesiones Invisibles En Garnett Patterson abogados de lesiones entendemos que la curación después de un accidente puede venir en muchas...
How to Keep Teen Drivers Safe
How to Keep Teen Drivers Safe A question that every parent asks themselves and never quite completely answers is “How to keep their children safe...
Hundreds of Thousands of Truckers are Using Drugs
New Method for Drug Testing Truck Drivers: A Game-Changing Study Many folks are keenly aware of the disruptions in supply chains that have occurred...
Drivers License Emergency Contact
Life can come at us fast. No one can ever be fully prepared for when an accident happens. But if you are in a bad accident, you want the first...
Slow Moving Vehicles
Everyone in rural Alabama has cussed under their breath while stuck behind a tractor or other slow driving vehicle. In Alabama, agriculture is a...
Alabama Contaminated Water Lawsuit
Alabama Water Contamination Claims against 3M and Other Decatur Companies Have you or a loved one been affected by water contamination in northern...
Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
Imagine the screeching sound of tires, the crunching of metal, and the jolt of impact that sends shockwaves through your body. A car accident can be...
Why Choosing a Local Alabama Lawyer Matters for Your Personal Injury Claim
Why Choosing a Local Alabama Lawyer Matters for Your Personal Injury Claim If you've been injured in Alabama, finding the right lawyer to handle...
How to Win Your Personal Injury Case: Essential Steps Explained
How to Win Your Personal Injury Case: Essential Steps Explained Getting compensation for your injuries after an accident can be tough. It involves a...
Why Do Traumatic Brain Injuries in Alabama Demand Local Legal Expertise?
Accidents happen suddenly, forever altering lives in the blink of an eye. Among the most devastating outcomes are traumatic brain injuries (TBIs),...
When it comes to dealing with the aftermath of a car accident in Northern Alabama, having a local hometown lawyer by your side can make all the...
Client Of The Month Ezekial “Zek” Parker
June Client Of the Month In life, we tend to remain occupied with our daily tasks and focused on achieving certain personal goals, forgetting the...
Empowering the Community: Our support for Reagan’s Summer Adventure
Here at Garnett Patterson Personal Injury Lawyers LLC, we believe in more than just legal representation. We are proud to announce our latest...
Cycling in Huntsville
Cycling in Huntsville: Safety Tips, Legal Rights, and Scenic Routes Did you know that bicycling is one of the most popular recreational activities...
Severely Damaged Car After Accident
Were you in an accident where your car was severely damaged? Even if you weren’t hurt in a car accident, I bet your car was. After you repair your...
The Impact of Holiday Celebrations
The Impact of Holiday Celebrations on Drinking Habits As the holiday season continues, celebrations become more frequent, and drinking becomes more...
Post-Pandemic Roads
The Increase in Traffic Deaths Since COVID-19 The recent rise in dangerous driving is alarming. Road rage, alcohol use, and cell phone use while...
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident
You might think that since you have insurance, having a car accident in Huntsville can be handled on your own. However, there are multiple factors...
Accident Lawyers Who Answer Questions
Because we care, we have created informational guides to answer all your legal questions after an accident
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